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Pintura Pacaembu SP preto e branco

Gui Mancini is a Brazilian artist whose passion for art materializes through his creative and vibrant murals, canvases and other artistic interventions. In addition to his work as an artist, Gui also has a rich history of involvement with art in its many forms, including painting, design and music.


As a jewelry designer, Gui has created innovative conceptual pieces for fashion companies and private label collections. In addition, his design skills were also applied to shoe projects and clothing prints. In 2015, Gui decided to explore his creativity through artistic scenography and started his journey with murals. Initially, his works emphasized Brazil's cultural diversity, portraying the beauty of the miscegenation of the Brazilian people.


Over time, however, his passion for the country's exuberant tropical scenery became the main theme of his works, exalting the importance of environmental preservation through his art. Gui's art refers to digital and has a playful and vibrant aesthetic, in which he portrays species of tropical flora with different colors, shapes and dimensions, creating an engaging and impactful work of art.


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